For this reason, before undergoing the actual radiotherapy treatment, the patients undergo what is called “centering” process.
This is a very important phase of the therapy because it allows, through a Computed Tomography – CT scan, to precisely locate the position of the tumor and therefore to direct the beam of rays with extreme precision on the area where the mass of diseased cells is founded. The availability of sophisticated equipment in some hospitals, allows to perform radiotherapy treatment under the guidance of images and with a modulation of the beam of rays, based on the volume of the tumor, thus conveying more radiation on the tumor mass and shielding the healthy tissues.
Depending on the characteristics of the tumor, the radiotherapist oncologist will prescribe a different intensity of the radiation dose, expressed in the unit of measurement called gray – Gy.
It is the amount of dose administered that determines the side effects, their intensity and the time of onset, especially for what concerns skin lesions.